In addition, users and machines will be able to interact with the data. But to do this, programs need to understand information conceptually and contextually. With this in mind, the two cornerstones of Web 3.0 are the Semantic Web and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
由于Web 3.0网络将通过去中心化协议(***和加密货币技术的基石)运行,我们可以期待看到这三种技术与其他领域之间的强大融合和共生关系。它们将通过智能合约实现互操作、无缝集成、自动化,并用于支持从非洲的微交易、抗审查的P2P数据文件存储和与Filecoin等应用程序共享,
Web 3.0的主要特点
要真正了解互联网的下一阶段,我们需要看一下Web 3.0的四个关键特性:【系统V_StPv888】【系统GT_@StPv888】
普遍性意味着无所不在。从这个意义上说,Web 2.0已经无处不在,例如软件-180系统2857開发8624源码搭建,Facebook用户可以立即捕获图像并分享它,然后图片变得无处不在,因为任何人都可以使用它,无论他们身在何处,只要他们可以访问社交网络媒体平台。
Web 3.0 goes further, enabling everyone to access the Internet anytime, anywhere. In some cases, networked devices will no longer focus on computers and smartphones as Web 2.0 does, because IoT technology will bring a large number of new smart devices.
I love Bitcoin.I<3 Bitcoin.它们的语法可能不同,但它们的语义几乎相同,因为语义只处理内容的意义或情感。
Applying semantics to the Web will enable machines to decode meaning and emotion by analyzing data. As a result, Internet users will have a better experience through enhanced data connectivity.
Because the Web 3.0 machine can read and decipher the meaning and emotion conveyed by a set of data, it brings intelligent machines. Although Web 2.0 provides similar functions, it is still mainly based on people, which opens up space for biased product reviews, rating manipulation and other corrupt behaviors.
一些未来学家还将Web 3.0称为Spatial Web,因为它旨在通过革新图形技术来模糊化物理和数字之间的界限,使三维(3D)虚拟世界变得清晰。
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