GameFi's emotional guidance has made some inferior chain games popular.A considerable number of game projects only focus on issuing tokens,selling blind boxes and selling NFT in the early stage.After the early harvest,make the P2E model more attractive and create a truly fun P2E metauniverse.The returned funds are not used for production
But when it comes to the real return on investment of enterprises,we are still in the initial stage.Now is the time to experiment,invest and innovate in the scenario based on the universe.
Whether they happen on the Internet or in augmented reality space,the key is to focus on the business results and objectives of creating virtual world experience.Although enterprises and media pay more attention to the marketing and income-generating potential of MetaUniverse,various potential MetaUniverse applications can not be underestimated.In addition to entertainment,enterprises can also use MetaUniverse to optimize business operations and enrich staff collaboration and training experience.
Stack is defined here_ Size and Heap Heap_ The size of Size.The stack stores local variables and stack data during program nesting.The heap can be used for dynamic memory allocation and release.Note that global variables do not occupy the stack and heap in the BSS segment__ Vectors gives the name of the interrupt vector table and the service function.Define the corresponding service function in the C file:
void TIM3_IRQHandler(void)
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